leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality

From principal's desk
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourself"
The precious sentence said  by William Shakespeare and education is the ladder through which we can reach the sky of the success, And a perfect teacher can turn around a student's life which is very important for his family and society learning is not a process limited to school and college only not does it and with conclusion of one's school career it is indeed a life long process a perfect school makes a perfect learner and I am honoured to be the principal of such a beautiful institution who are doing their hard work to shape the character of  our youngsters. Soulful environment of our institution makes not only a good learner but also a healthy competitors.
The relation between parents and teachers should be very healthy our children are our assets and our future. Anything affecting them worry us and hence we extend our support to them in every way possible.
I am thankful to our parents and guardians for showing their belief and confidence in us. And it is our duty to not let them down for this gratitude. I am also thankful to our teaching and non teaching staff who are continuously contributing their best effort in development of our this institution.
I would like to conclude with my this promise that

"आप हमें नन्हे पौधे दीजिए हम आपको फलदार वृक्ष बनाकर लौटायेंगे"

Mrs. Savita Shukla
